#264 4 Months Funding for Poltuguese Content Guild
Hello everyone!
This proposal aims to continue the work of the Poltuguese Content Guild, (previously called Portuguese Unit), which has been funded to date by Bounty 12.
We will continue the work we have done so far. From this proposal, the focus of the Poltuguese Content Guild will be on producing original content, something that gives more value to the content producer, creates authority and brand recognition.
Here is the full proposal, it is in two languages, Portuguese and English.
Here is the discussion about this proposal.
I made some changes to the original proposal, as suggested by some feedbacks received. I lowered the funding proposal from 6 months to 4 and added spreadsheets with all the content produced by the team, along with the rewards for content.
Olá a todos!
Esta proposta visa dar continuidade ao trabalho da Guilda de Conteúdo Poltuguês, (anteriormente chamada de Unidade Portuguesa), que foi financiada até o momento pelo Bounty 12.
Iremos dar continuidade ao trabalho que fizemos até hoje. A partir desta proposta, o foco da Guilda Poltuguês será a produção de conteúdo original, algo que dá mais valor ao produtor de conteúdo, cria autoridade e reconhecimento de sua marca.
Aqui está a proposta completa, ela se encontra em dois idiomas, Português e Inglês.
Aqui esta a discussão sobre esta proposta.
Fiz algumas alterações na proposta original, conforme sugerido por alguns feedbacks recebidos. Baixei a proposta de financiamento de 6 meses para 4 e adicionei tabelas com todo o conteúdo produzido pela equipe, juntamente com as recompensas pelos conteúdos.
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Hello fellow Portuguese neighbours ! I voted Aye for this as I'm in support of Wagmedia language units and you're also asking for a fair amount. But I just have one small question even if it doesn't bother me so much because it's only a small % of your funding which gets allocated to it, but why dubbed video content and not original which is the new ethos when it comes to video content ?
More so because unlike Spain and Italy, in Portugal people watch American movies with English subtitles and not dubbed so it's not a culture thing over there which I find odd that you're doing it. Again, not a big issue for me personally but it's just more of an inquiry.
Good luck with your proposal !
Thank you for your vote and feedback KryptosChain!
The possibility of dubbing was added to the proposal so that all types of content are allowed by the creators, not denying any type.
Videos with automatic subtitles contain errors and only subtitles videos, software can do this. For this reason, it was decided to add dubbings to the proposal.
Voted Aye
Hi Panegali,
Great job! I agree with KyrptosChain that you asked a fair amount. I have some minor questions before voting Aye:
1. In the budget breakdown table, you have the 4 monthly in the task but didn't have an explanation about it, maybe I missed it, but it would be great if you would clarify what is that for.
2. In the proposal: "There will be a limit of 19 original works per month, 15 in written form and 4 in video". I am wondering if there are members in your community that is making youtube videos, 4 videos in one month might be too strict. In my opinion, the video usually has a bigger impact than the written form, but you may have a good reason, I also want to hear about it.
Thank you for your feedback!
- In the budget breakdown table, you have the 4 monthly in the task but didn't have an explanation about it, maybe I missed it, but it would be great if you would clarify what is that for.
It was a typing error. It has been corrected. Referring to original videos.
- In the proposal: "There will be a limit of 19 original works per month, 15 in written form and 4 in video". I am wondering if there are members in your community that is making youtube videos, 4 videos in one month might be too strict. In my opinion, the video usually has a bigger impact than the written form, but you may have a good reason, I also want to hear about it.
Videos can have a greater impact than the written form, but we are in the early stages of producing original content. 4 monthly videos is a good number to start with. We would like to see good productions and not a huge amount of them and not having quality. We have people with knowledge to produce in our community.
Thank you for clarifying my question, I have voted for you, good luck!
Fantastic proposal. And your addition of time vs payment is an effective way to focus translations on the latest announcements. Arguably the most important news for the Portuguese community.
Thank you for your feedback !
Voted Aye
What is everyone's issue with the proposal?
I have voted Nay as in two weeks there was zero effort from proposal owners to answer any of the question in the proposal discussion topic.
Very strange... clicking the link reveals a response to every comment. 🤔
Also kudos to Panegali for organizing a hyper-productive unit and having an extremely thoughtful budget and content assessment strategy. 👍
I believe most were interested to look at the work done before. All that was delivered are testimonies which may not be the optimal way for other people to understand the prior work. Maybe a thing to consider to improve for a next attempt if this one doesnt go through.
Your comments have been answered. I may not have given some information right away but all possible was provided.
Gas lighting isn't a good look.
Voted Aye
I don't quite understand the reason for rejecting this proposal. Also because there is no feedback comment posted here.
At the same time, I followed the discussions in the pre-proposal phase and all the answers given by the proponent seemed to me to be quite clear and satisfactory.
I have read the proposal very carefully and it is indeed coherent and realistic from start to finish.
Perhaps the problem is the lack of data that the worldwide Polkadot community has access to on the development of the WEB3 environment in the country.
And for that I will publish here some data that I consider relevant, as well as its source.
I hope that in this way I can enrich the discussion here, even to understand what these rejection factors are more deeply.
This image show how this Proposal is important. It is part of 2022 Global State of Crypto Report. I have already published this same information in the discussion phase, but since it is now much more visible, I think it is worth publishing again. I've been a KSM holder for a few years and I know that this development in Latin America is indeed something relevant for its valuation.
Full Report
As the world marches toward broad crypto adoption, Gemini is introducing a first-of-its-kind crypto research report exploring the attitudes, drivers, and adoption of this new asset class. As a truly global firm, it is a top priority for us to understand the crypto adoption curve and how crypto is being deployed around the world, as well as the barriers to entry. We surveyed nearly 30,000 adults across 20 countries and uncovered compelling insights that illustrate where we are as an industry, and what the future might hold. This report shares statistics we gathered on global adoption, barriers to entry, and attitudes around cryptocurrency.

Sad to see the lack of support from the global Polkadot community for initiatives that encourage content creators in other languages. Here are some of my contributions that the Portuguese guild has supported - the most recent ones are marketing and outreach support only.
Content made by the community FOR THE COMMUNITY.
I joined the ecosystem myself, creating content without any support, until Jay encouraged me to join Wag Media. I became an ambassador for Polkadot and Astar in order to educate more and more people in Brazil. I believe that I have been contributing in a relevant way to the Brazilian community, and Wag Media has A LOT of share in that.
Sad end to the Portuguese language guild.
Many people are not seeing the amount of content we produce and how much it will be missed by the entire Portuguese speaking community.
I am being as transparent as possible with the data provided in the proposal, even so the proposal is being negative and without justification.
I would very much like to receive feedback on why the proposal is being disapproved!

We are voting Nay on this, not because we don't value any of the Portuguese community and the work you have done, but because of the following other reasons:
- I think the timeline for requesting funds for 4 months after coming from the Wagmedia bounty is too fast. In would propose a month of funding and instead of covering video's, articles, subtitles. I would make a clear case for a medium and focus on that.
- Not sure if translations of all orgininal from parachain teams/parity/w3f/ articles is the way to go. There is orginality missing in just translating articles and this can be done in a very straight-forward way. Think nowadays the translation tools we have. I can go on a website and press translate and still understand the article. If your not writing them with the knowledge you have about Web3 I won't support this effort.
- I would think subtitles are more important than dubbing, I have done subtitles work and I think it would be easier than translating the sound. Why not go for that, it needs less production.
Hello !
I really appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much!
I think the timeline for requesting funds for 4 months after coming from the Wagmedia bounty is too fast. In would propose a month of funding and instead of covering video's, articles, subtitles. I would make a clear case for a medium and focus on that.
The proposal I put up for discussion was 6 months of financing. I reduced it to 4 because I believe it is a good time for us to do several works and present the result to the community. This proposal was made after the end of Bounty 12 because in this period that we are waiting for the vote, nobody is producing any content, we are leaving a void of information for the community. If I make proposals every 1 month, we will spend more time waiting for the result than working.
Not sure if translations of all orgininal from parachain teams/parity/w3f/ articles is the way to go. There is orginality missing in just translating articles and this can be done in a very straight-forward way. Think nowadays the translation tools we have. I can go on a website and press translate and still understand the article. If your not writing them with the knowledge you have about Web3 I won't support this effort. I would think subtitles are more important than dubbing, I have done subtitles work and I think it would be easier than translating the sound. Why not go for that, it needs less production.
Translations were our flagship in bounty 12, with the new proposal ~69% of the value going towards original content production, ~5% for translations and ~9 for dubbing. Dubbing and translations are still included in the proposal because I believe that there are some important contents that deserve to be used. I do not consider making subtitles in the videos because as you mentioned in the translations, the subtitles can also be automatically generated by the player itself, so I do not see the point in doing such work.
I gave space for all types of content production in this proposal, but emphasizing the production of original content and making it clear that we will no longer focus on something that is not original. If I focus on only one means of production, probably someone else will try to make a proposal to the treasury to cover that area.

Not sure if translations of all orgininal from parachain teams/parity/w3f/ articles is the way to go. There is orginality missing in just translating articles and this can be done in a very straight-forward way. Think nowadays the translation tools we have. I can go on a website and press translate and still understand the article. If your not writing them with the knowledge you have about Web3 I won't support this effort.
Thanks for pointing this, but please keep in mind we are talking about a population of over 220 million, in which only 5% speak English. People WON'T spend time translating articles—they want the content on demand, at the right time. We are competing for attention on the web! Any obstacle is a hindrance to adoption—language especially!
It may seem obvious to our bubble to use ChatGPT or some translator, but for most people it is not. If we don't deliver the content ready, they won't consume and they won't understand Polkadot. — Translations are important.
The same goes for dubbing against subtitles. People don't want to spend time reading things. Dubbing helps a lot.
Voted Aye
Hi, I just voted an AYE for you, just simbolic for supporting spirit, after participating in WM for awhile, also checking your proposal, I think Poltuguese Unit should be supported by treasury, it's definitely worth.
However, it would be better if you guys can include how you guys would spread your works out and educate Poltuguese community, it would optimize the use case of the translation work, we always want to have a lot of people read our work and know more about Dotsama right?
Otherwise, I think everything is good for me. Good luck!!! I wish the best to you guys.
I really appreciate your feedback!
I include in the proposal how the dissemination of our work will be done.
Today, the content produced by the unit is disseminated in official Polkadot/Kusama groups on Telegram and Discord and also in other unofficial groups, which are focused on fundamentalist studies of cryptocurrencies. We will continue to use these groups and will also include other groups with large numbers of users. In the same way we will start to publicize our work through Twitter.
Hey Team,
I will be voting nay on this as I will focus on supporting media projects that have clear data-driven strategies. This proposal unfortunately does not meet this criteria as neither past data is shared nor is there a plan for a data-driven future.
The lack of past data makes it near impossible for me to assess this effort. The lack of a plan for incorporating data into the decision making in the future makes me worry that the funds will not be spent in the most efficient way.
WagMedia has the potential to be a data powerhouse and provide clear, out-of-the-box dashboards to all the "guilds" plugged in so I am disappointed that this has not happened yet.
More visualizations will be available with the next version nearly finished design. But it would help if these data hunters explained what data they are looking for... The proposer has provided all raw data and a third party assessment of it.
This is revealing a troubling pattern, however. People with no declared experience or expertise in media creation, talent acquisition, growing audiences, and supporting the creative process are looking for "data" on early stage content creation. What data are they hoping to see? A polkadot forum post has been made to discuss just this!
The opportunity to see each reward in context of the discord is fully available but these data hunters seem unwilling to see the work in context. And so, it's not an audit of what directors using WagMedia have been intending to do.
The data is fully available. The opportunity to see the work in context is fully available. Let it be known exactly what else is needed in the forum post please!
Hello Gabriel
Thank you for your feedback. I really respect it!
All the data I had I made available in the proposal. It is not my intention to hide information!
Many of the works produced by the team, are not easily tracked as to reach. Among the content producers, most work with this for less than 1 year. Even the older ones do nott have a big audience yet because unfortunately the culture of most Brazilians is to make quick and easy money and not to study about good projects and join them. This is the work we are trying to do, provide information for the community to learn to make more assertive decisions and form critical people about the projects. This is not an easy task, because we have to change people's mentality. First we must form a base of people with knowledge about Polkadot /Kusama, then we will think about taking bigger steps.
Is anyone willing to clearly state why this proposal is getting Nay'd so hard? From what I can see the proposer has been forthcoming with answering every question. They also have an extremely detailed assessment plan, budget, and proof of work. In good faith, honest question, what are Nay sayers seeing here?
Voted Aye
Hey guys i vote AYE
Because I believe that the contents in Portuguese help a large part of the people who really want to learn about the ecosystem, PANEGALI, PITCOIN and ALL THE CREATORS were one of the most active helping and standardizing translations and contents for the Portuguese speaking people!
count on my AYE Panegali
Thank you for your support!
Hello, I am a content creator and Polkadot ambassador for the Brazilian Portuguese speaking community. I believe that WM has a communication problem with the ambassadors of each region. At no point was the work we are carrying out with the community taken into account. If this communication channel were open WM would know that we have been working for months on a proposal for the community that will have the possibility of a bounty for content production meeting the demand that this proposal intends.
I vote for Nay because I believe that WM should not spread content in different communities in different parts of the world without at least having contact and a joint dialogue with a team of local ambassadors.
This type of proposal, which has a direct effect on the community, needs to be carried out with the joint participation of a team of ambassadors if the region has a team of ambassadors.
The community is the biggest asset of an ecosystem, that's why I don't believe that WM has a zeal for maintaining harmony in the community, taking into account the facts that occurred in discussions at bounty 12, where there was no respect for the contradictory, ironies for those who made suggestions and several negative feelings that were planted in the heart of the community in the discussions on the subject.
In the same way, I admire the work done by Brazilian creators such as Pitcoin, who made relevant contributions and the high effort dedicated to creating content for the Brazilian community. In this way, we decided to gather a group of ambassadors and develop a proposal that is in the development phase to be discussed soon to be used by content creators from the Portuguese-speaking Polkadot community.
This feedback is constructive, for the good of using the treasure and our community.
Hello Paulo!
Thanks for the feedback!
I am also a content creator in Portuguese language and it was you who supported and encouraged me when I started my work. At some point you invited me for a dialogue about the proposal you are developing? As far as I know, treasury proposals are open to anyone, not just ambassadors, so I could very well be part of one of your proposals.
With your comment you implied that only ambassadors have the right to make proposals and are the only representatives of the ecosystem. Where is it written that we should talk to the ambassadors first before we want to do something? I am an advocate of decentralization and I defend it to the letter! Your point of view is a bit centralizing, in my opinion! Don't you think so?
It is not my obligation to know if you are making a proposal to the treasure, our focus is the end user, the consumer of our content. We made the proposal to the treasure before you and I repeat it again. Did you come to talk to us to try to develop a dialogue about the proposal?
Pitcoin really is a great content producer and has a great future as such. He is the only Polkadot ambassador who works in harmony with Wagmedia. Remembering that the vast majority of the content he has produced, has been developed with the support of Wagmedia!
Paulo's critique is fair and should be taken into account, but as a group we decided to support this proposal, not reject it.
As ambassadors, we are working on a sustainability proposal for our community and a bounty for content production. We talked with the proponent and decided that this bounty should be done in a joint effort with WM, but for now we believe this proposal is fine and gives us time to work on the bounty together.
I got pinged to jump in here!
Actually Panegali there are many Ambassadors working in WagMedia but maybe you mean Portuguese!
I have heard paulo say this before but I always find it confusing/concerning. WM is simply a tool anyone with initiative can use to build up media making communities. Seems like a great tool for any ambassador. This suggestion that ambassadors have some sort of entitlement to entire language communities ... I can't imagine that's shared by a majority of ambassadors. It doesn't seem very aligned with values of decentralization and inclusion. Most ambassadors I've met are hard-working and driven people!
WagMedia is very open and Paulo earned there for a bit. So I find the bit about dialogue very confusing.
Edit: considering what I'm learning as described in my reply to Lauro below, i can understand much better paulo's frustration!
I intend to clarify some points of view below I'm not the owner of the truth but that's how I see it today.
1 It is not relevant to translate texts since with google I can translate with 2 clicks (I am not fluent in English and I can read and understand all articles in other languages with 2 clicks for translation).
2 Content translator is not content creator, translating is not the same as creating. Create authorial content and be a creator.
3 ambassador is not a centralizer, ambassador serves the community and is day by day answering questions in official groups with responsibility and attention, so it is not fair that those who do not actively participate in the community earn payments for translating texts with the aim of benefiting the community, and they are not even with the community on a daily basis. The ambassadors are. I currently have over 3000 messages helping the community in the telegram groups and many private messages to which I have all responded with care and responsibility. If you don't actively participate in the community it's not fair that you get paid to translate for the community. Seems opportunistic to me.
3.1 Build a reputation as a content creator, build a community base, produce authored content and receive funding for new content. Build a reputation so funding will be fair.
4 WM inflated payments for translations and dubbing
5 WG paid for translations and voiceovers for channels that had no reach, 20, 15, 30 views. Zero liability with the use of the treasury.
6 WM treated with disrespect many community members who requested information and questioned the use of the treasury for the purposes desired by their project.
7 I was treated with disrespect by a WG direct on discord when I requested information, at this point, I decided to leave discord and I believe that several times you broke Polkadot's code of conduct.
8 WM is a centralizer, as it acts as an intermediary. People don't need WM to access the treasure. Help people access the treasure and don't try to increase your creator base and so in the future say: look how WM has grown, give me half of the treasure!
9 Local communities are fully capable of organizing themselves and making their own proposals. WM acts as a "digital colonizer". Don't enlist people from other countries to increase your reach and power.
10 You are offering payment for jobs to a group of people. This sets up a job. Does WM comply with Brazilian labor legislation and all its legal responsibilities?
11 content creators don't need an intermediary to access the treasure, myself, (like Jay) managed to receive some TIPS and approve a proposal to create 36 contents next to the treasure.
12 It is a characteristic of you to distort information to create a narrative favorable to your thesis to manipulate the opinion of the community and its followers. I didn't mean that ambassadors have power centralized in the community, I meant that if you want to produce content for a community, nothing fairer than a dialogue with the team of ambassadors that already develops this work on a daily basis.
13 Stop enticing members of communities from other countries and doing a digital colonization, through this you managed to get a member of our community to send a proposal in his own name to WM. We here in Brazil can organize ourselves and continue to evolve the work we are developing with the community.
14 This is my opinion and I never want to speak on behalf of the group.
You received Tips and support from the council, you approved proposals for the Treasury, you should encourage people to follow the path you took and not create an intermediary (WM) to access the treasury.
This is an alert I leave for the entire Polkadot World community. One warning I have in my mind, that Polkadot's Achilles tendon is its governance, because:
You add political and financial power. If injustices happen and are recurrent when accessing the treasure, the tendency is for people with good intentions and not only concerned with profiting from the treasure to leave the community. That's why I request the attention of older people interested in discussing Polkadot's growth to participate in this type of debate.
I don't want to keep this is a looping debate, get my feedback, if it doesn't make sense, that's fine. At least I tried, my part I did.
I have a lot of work to do and my country is going through a difficult political moment that deserves my close attention. Take my criticism as something constructive and growth . my criticism is not personal but for the process. Hope this helps
I strongly believe that the more people share knowledge and spread the Polkadot ecosystem, the stronger its foundation will be. It does not matter if these people are from group A or B, what is essential is that the quality is of quality and accessible to a wide audience. It is absolutely crucial for the success of the ecosystem that an increasing number of people are impacted by the DotSama universe.
The Portuguese-speaking community is huge and has the capacity to accommodate both ambassadors and the Portuguese Guild of Wagmedia. I think we can create a deep and collaborative partnership, including in terms of promotion. Wagmedia content producers could share their work in the official channels of the ambassadors, while the ambassadors can share their work in the Wagmedia channels. I believe this is an important and beneficial synergy for both sides.
We need to be careful to keep the Portuguese-speaking community united and avoid climates of rivalry or retribution. The common goal must be unity around the DotSama universe. Both groups should consider themselves partners and not rivals.
Voted Aye
Hello, Head Ambassador for Portuguese-speaking countries here.
Yesterday we had a meeting with ambassadors to decide if we were going to support this proposal or not. We invited the proponent to the meeting and talked over it. As a group, we decided in favor of supporting the proposal with the following conditions:
- Engagement should be measured and should improve. Right now the content produced by WM doesn't reach the Portuguese-community as it could, some of the content has really low engagement. We believe this can be fixed by having a better strategy of using our community channels like Telegram and Twitter.
- Integration with the ambassadors. A lot of ambassadors have been producing content for free for the last couple of years, myself included, with way bigger reach, reaching thousands of people at times. It needs to be clear that this proposal can and will be used to reward ambassadors for their efforts too.
- Combining forces and writing a bounty for content production in the near future, similar to the Spanish language. We believe that a sort of joint venture between WM and the ambassadors is the way to go to solve the problems pointed out in the comments. The bounty seems to be a more appropriate medium too, but for now we believe this proposal is fine.
- _ecardo5o's comment is misleading and I need to remind everyone that this individual doesn't represent the Portuguese-speaking community in any way as there's strong evidence of misuse of treasury funds in the past. He has been removed from the ambassador program by Web3 Foundation and encouraged to not engage with the community anymore. We do not condone his actions and we believe he shouldn't be a part of this in any way.
That being said, as an individual I also decided to support and vote AYE for this proposal. I only have some observations to make:
- Paulo's comment above is his individual view, he has the right the express himself and his critique is fair, but it doesn't represent the entire group.
EDIT: To be fair and precise, _ecardo5o was reassigned from Portuguese to LATAM ambassador, not completely removed, but was indeed encouraged to not engage with the Brazilian community.
Hey Lauro, I got pinged to jump in here too. But I'm glad to meet you.
You guys should 100% join forces with the production house led by Panegali!! I'm sure you can take what they're already doing to the next level.
I am so so sorry to hear that ambassadors have been working for free. My personal opinion is that ambassador programs are made up of very good and hardworking people but (from what I've seen across many projects) it can be very exploitive and driven by promises instead of rewards. If I am wrong here, please let me know but it is what I've seen and I hate it.
The WagMedia system of direct incentive allows any member of a community to be rewarded at any time for any bounty instead of asking community members to make long term commitments on vague promises of future reward. The next version will be also deployable in ANY discord! It will additionally directly track the twitter reach of content creators. So i hope you folks use it whether you team up with Panegali's great team or not!
A small word about bounties based on experience -- take it or leave it! I know that bounties are being pushed a lot but in our experience it is a loss for tokenholders. The market price of KSM tanked 53% over the duration of Bounty 12 without any way to preserve the value in the bounty structure. Obviously this is a major productivity loss for tokenholders and the projects operating under bounties. Spend proposals with smart treasury management uses up fewer treasury assets. But of course do what you think is best.
Thanks for the heads up on there...
And I'm not sure what Paulo is on about. :/ He makes it seem like ambassadors are entitled to controlling communication with 100s of millions of people based on language. I can't imagine the other great ambassadors I've met would think like that. When it comes to interacting with the treasury, it's all about proof of work, planning, and execution. 💪
Anyway you guys are very welcome to use the WagMedia tool to achieve any community mission you wish. Hope you can find some efficient collaborations with the one that organized under Panegali. Reach out on twitter if you need anything from me @GldnCalf
Edit: Wow, after posting this I received a DM from another person claiming to be an ambassador. They said it is unpaid but there's always been talk that they would "get rewarded". I don't want to start anything but this is not right imo. We need to build a decentralized work force on fair compensation for goods and services rendered. Not pray on the good nature of people. :( Let's evolve from this as quickly as possible.
Hello Lauro!
Thanks for your feedback!
As Lauro said, yesterday I attended a meeting with some ambassadors to discuss support for our proposal. Some conditions were raised which would make the ambassadors support us. I accepted the conditions for us to start a wider discussion so that we can work together.
The doors to join WagMedia are open to anyone and it will be great to work with more ambassadors and everyone to benefit.
I also believe that by working together we can have more reach and better use of resources.
Mr. _ecardo5o is not part of our proposal, he just made comments about the proposal here.
Perfect, thank you for understanding my points, Jay and Panegali.
Yes, being an ambassador for Polkadot/Kusama is a very ungrateful activity so far, this needs to be fixed 100%, and appreciate a lot the empathy and recognition :)
Voted Aye
I had a tough time with this proposal. I was swinging violently between AYE and NAY based on events that were happening. In the end, I think these media groups integrating with the Ambassador communities is a great step forward for both the media projects and the ambassador communities themselves.
In the future, I will have a strong preference of opinion that all of these language specific media projects should be organized as bounties. There are issues with the bounty system but those are things that can be handled by Administrative Curators, or by requesting changes to the mechanics of bounties themselves. There is discussion in bounty 19 about requesting a change in the bounty mechanics so we don't have to keep dealing with over/under payments due to price fluctuations.
So, I'll vote AYE this time. But I do expect any future proposals from these language segments to be organized as bounties with a proper administrative curation team and for the existing wag media segment to integrate whatever ambassador community that may be operating under the language that their proposed media bounty is funded for.
Hello Stake Plus!
Thanks so much for your support and feedback!
I will take your suggestion into account and hope to do a great job with this proposal, to prove that we deserve your support.
Hello team,
Your treasury proposal was approved and funded more than 3 months ago. Could you please take the time to share an update on your progress with the Community by posting a comment in this referendum post?
Please keep in mind that, as part of treasury proposals’ lifecycle, a final report is due at the completion of all milestones to evaluate the success of the initiative. You can find a template for the treasury proposal report here.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hello Anaelle!
Thanks for your message!
We prefer to make only one report after the end of the proposal as we believe it is a good time to analyze it.
Our proposal is almost finalized, we expect this to happen in the second or third week of June and soon after we will post a report.
@panegali Thank you for sharing this update on your progress. That's all the community needs to know for now.
We are in the process of validating a true need for a service to assist teams with crafting and completing successful treasury proposals, so they can focus on building. We would love to hear about your experience with this proposal. If you are willing to take a few minutes, please fill out this form about your experience with the OpenGov treasury proposal process: https://forms.gle/MwDij4adXEQd7Um79
Feel free to leave out any details that your team is not comfortable with sharing, but the more info you can provide, the better we will be able to assess the potential need for our services.
For more info, follow us on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/OpenGovAssist
Voted Aye
Hello, everyone!
Here's the final report on proposal no. 78.
Any feedback is welcome. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Voted Aye