#2125 6 Month Funding for Poltuguese Content Guild

in Treasury
10th Jan '23

Hello everyone!

This proposal aims to continue the work of the Poltuguese Content Guild, (previously called Portuguese Unit), which has been funded to date by Bounty 12. We will continue to use Wagmedia's tools, but now independently.

We will continue with the excellent work we have done so far. We will continue doing translations and dubbing, but now the focus will be on producing original content, something that gives more value to the content producer, creates authority and creates recognition.

Here is the full proposal, it is in two languages, Portuguese and English.

I will be grateful for feedback from the community.

Esta proposta visa dar continuidade ao trabalho da Guilda de Conteúdo Poltuguês, (anteriormente chamada de Unidade Portuguesa), que foi financiada até o momento pelo Bounty 12. Continuaremos utilizando as ferramentas da Wagmedia, mas agora de forma independente.

Iremos prosseguir com o ótimo trabalho que fizemos até hoje. Continuaremos fazendo traduções e dublagens, mas agora o foco será a produção de conteúdo original, algo que dá mais valor ao produtor de conteúdo, cria autoridade e reconhecimento de sua marca.

Aqui está a proposta completa, ela se encontra em dois idiomas, Português e Inglês.

Ficarei gratificado com feedbacks da comunidade.

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10th Jan '23

Hi Panegali,

I had a quick look at your proposal and before forming my opinion I would like to hear some more details about the proposal.

In general I am not a fan of a big budgets being paid fully in advance. I am in favor of a smaller and reoccurring proposals (quarterly proposals?) rather than trusting a long period budgets like this one - 6 months. Beside solving trust and funding issues, splitting into smaller proposals provide several checkpoints where proposed metrics and targets can be reassessed by both proposer and the community.

To apply for the long term funding, proposer needs to have certain reputation - history and positive feedback from the previous proposals. In your opening you have stated you are long term contributor and receiver of the Bounty 12 child bounties.

This proposal aims to continue the work of the Poltuguese Content Guild, (previously called Portuguese Unit), which has been funded to date by Bounty 12. We will continue to use Wagmedia's tools, but now independently.

We will continue with the excellent work we have done so far. We will continue doing translations and dubbing, but now the focus will be on producing original content, something that gives more value to the content producer, creates authority and creates recognition.

Can you please provide some information, metrics and targets you have achieved with your previous work? I am personally not familiar with your work and I cant see anything related to it in the proposal.


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10th Jan '23

Hello Coinstudio! Thank you for your feedback!

I understand your positioning and I will be taking it into account.

I am the director of the Portuguese language unit at Wagmedia, since July 2022. Under my direction, we were the language group that produced the most content (translations, dubbing, original articles and videos, threads, interviews). In this report it is possible to check this information

I contributed with some important translations for the DotSama ecosystem, all into Portuguese. The paper: Overview of Polkadot and its Design Considerations.

The Book: Polkadot for Beginners: A Non-Technical Guide to Decentralization, Blockchains, and Polkadot

And other translations that can be found on my Medium and PolkaVerse profile

10th Jan '23

Hi Panegali,

Thank you for your answer. By looking at the links that you have provided, I am not able to extract any meaningful information related to my initial questions.

As the proposer asking for $60,000 do you think its feasible that me and every other community member interested in your previous work need to spend hours hunting for the history of your previous work???

...produced the most content (translations, dubbing, original articles and videos, threads, interviews). In this report it is possible to check this information

This is the general report and it does not provide any meaningful details or valuations of your work. Can you please explain how much KSM in total you received for this work? Can you please explain how much of this relates to the video dubbing translation, how much is for original articles and original videos and how much goes for the interviews and the articles? Can you please provide the number how many views and reactions your original articles and videos received? Can you provide any metrics related to the other stated content?

I contributed with some important translations for the DotSama ecosystem, all into Portuguese. The paper: Overview of Polkadot and its Design Considerations.

Can you please explain how much KSM in total you received for this work? How many downloads this ebook/paper had in the last 6 months?

The Book: Polkadot for Beginners: A Non-Technical Guide to Decentralization, Blockchains, and Polkadot

Not sure what this relates to as the link provided seems to be faulty.

And other translations that can be found on my Medium and PolkaVerse profile

Again the link to Medium seems to faulty so I cant make any conclusions. However the link to the Polkaverse seems to be working and by having a quick look at it, it is quite obvious that all of the posts and articles in the last 9 months received a total amount of: 0 upvotes, 0 comments and 0 shares.

For the reasons above and the lack of transparency regarding the previous work I am inclined to vote Nay on this one.

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11th Jan '23

Hello CoinStudio

Thanks again for your feedback

I will provide some metrics that you requested as soon as possible

11th Jan '23

My name is _ecardo5o and I have been a Polkadot ambassador since 2019. I started in the Program in Brazil but today I am part of the LATAM team.

I actively participate in the ecosystem as a Speaker, Executive Producer or even as part of the production teams at events in Brazil and abroad, in addition to constantly producing content for Polkadot, Kusama, Parachains and related projects.

As Portuguese is my native language, I can attest that all the work developed by the Portuguese Content Guild is done in a very careful way, including peer verification. I also have a degree in Journalism and Advertising and have been working professionally in this market for over 20 years, with an emphasis on technological innovation projects, most of which are aimed at the financial market. Anyway, it's not just a random opinion.

All this care, in addition to the great commitment of everyone involved in Portuguese Content Guild, allowed the team to have a great performance, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

When reading the current proposal it became clear to me that the evaluation criteria will be tougher from now on. And this is even due to the maturity of the most active participants. And also because of the need to distribute these funds so that more people benefit from this incentive channel.

I don't think the total value of 60K is high (which results in 10K per month), taking into account that this is a really productive team that only tends to grow. Both in number of members and in quantity and quality of production.

In addition, the period of 6 months for a general balance sheet seems to me to be quite reasonable, taking into account that it must, in addition to demonstrating results, also correct remuneration criteria so that new objectives are achieved.

This avoids interruptions to incentives and allows content to always be available quickly. If another criterion is adopted, the Guild will have more than 2 interruptions during the year and this will certainly have a negative impact on productivity. Imagine if the same were applied to validators? Would we be left with a network in precarious conditions with each interruption? I don't think this is anyone's wish.

As the applicant himself replied, the remuneration rules from now on will benefit those who focus on authorial content, in addition to establishing ceilings for earnings.

They were also adjusted and detailed how these remunerations will also be linked to a quality control that I consider to be quite satisfactory.

WagMedia in my view is an incredible project that must be recognized as a very successful and truly democratic experience. Its implementation only brings benefits to the ecosystem. And teams like the Portuguese Content Guild are indeed doing an excellent job in strengthening this channel and DOTSAMA as a whole.

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11th Jan '23

Hello _ecardo5o

Thank you for the feedback!

11th Jan '23

I fully support the proposal. Unfortunately the issue is real, the Brazilian community have a serious problem with language.

Creating content in Portuguese and localising existing content will definitely boost the growth of the DOT/KUS community.

Maybe could be interesting include Spanish translations in the project. In my experience is always easier do another translation while you are in the process.

Raphael Kling

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11th Jan '23

Hello Raphael!

Thank you for your feedback!

We focus on the Portuguese language. There is already an initiative in the Spanish language.

13th Jan '23

My name is Giorge Abdala and I am an active member of the Brazilian DotSama community. I have a degree in Systems Analysis, an MBA in Marketing Management, and an MBA in Financial Markets. I have extensive experience in the cryptocurrency sector and I have a blog on Medium where I translate and write original articles about the DotSama universe in Portuguese. Additionally, I have an article published on Mercurius Academy, one of the largest research houses in Brazil (https://mercurius-academy.mn.co/posts/visao-geral-do-ecossistema-polkadot-um-mergulho-nas-11-parachains).

During the year 2022, I closely followed the evolution of the Brazilian translation guild at Wagmedia, under the direction of Panegali. He is an active advocate for Polkadot, and the book he translated (Polkadot for Beginners - https://github.com/pitcoin777/Polkadot-para-Iniciantes) was well received by the Brazilian community and contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about the cryptocurrency. Many of my relatives and friends had their first contact with DOT through this book.

Furthermore, a large amount of content about Polkadot was translated in 2022, which demonstrates the effort and dedication of the team in disseminating knowledge about the cryptocurrency. Today, almost 99% of official Polkadot content is already translated into Portuguese.

Given this, I believe that funding from the Polkadot treasury for the Wagmedia guild is an essential proposal for the development and growth of the cryptocurrency in the Brazilian market. The production of educational content and original articles about the DotSama universe will allow the public to have access to accurate and updated information about the technology and its applications, contributing to the growth and consolidation of the Brazilian Polkadot community.

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13th Jan '23

Hello Giorge!

Thank you for the feedback!

13th Jan '23

I fully support the proposal, Portuguese is one of the most spoken languages in the world, especially in Brazil the growth of blockchain, crypto and web3 enthusiasts is getting higher every day, this proposal is necessary! Absolutely yes

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15th Jan '23

Thanks for the feedback!

14th Jan '23

Hey! My name is Marco Da Rocha (Pitcoin) I am an ambassador for Polkadot and Astar Network. Also, I am Astar spacelabs member, as well as a content creator in Portuguese and English for WagMedia.

I really like the proposed model of different levels for tiers of articles and videos for dubbing. The use of content curators makes the level of content delivery excellent. Once again it shows the strength of the community. Content made by the community for the community.

I really support the creation of authorial content in Portuguese, since there is a huge gap in specific materials about Polkadot and the entire ecosystem. I see that through WagMedia, it is possible to stimulate and discover new talents/content creators that can educate new users.

My journey before becoming an ambassador for Astar and Polkadot started with content creator powered by WagMedia. When we create, we learn, and when we learn, we teach… this cycle must be encouraged and valued by the community.

I see this proposal as an intelligent way of using the treasure because the focus is on the community and for the benefit of the community. Thanks for the proposal.

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15th Jan '23

Thanks for the feedback Marco!

18th Jan '23

This image show how this Proposal is important. It is part of 2022 Global State of Crypto Report.


Full Report

2022 Global State of Crypto

As the world marches toward broad crypto adoption, Gemini is introducing a first-of-its-kind crypto research report exploring the attitudes, drivers, and adoption of this new asset class. As a truly global firm, it is a top priority for us to understand the crypto adoption curve and how crypto is being deployed around the world, as well as the barriers to entry. We surveyed nearly 30,000 adults across 20 countries and uncovered compelling insights that illustrate where we are as an industry, and what the future might hold. This report shares statistics we gathered on global adoption, barriers to entry, and attitudes around cryptocurrency.

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18th Jan '23

Thank you for the information _ecardo5o!

It demonstrates the great importance of having quality information to know the crypto ecosystem and make the best decisions!

22nd Jan '23

I am very supportive of the development of the Portugese community but I see nothing about Poltuguese Content Guild activity and content rewarded under bounty 12, please provide this report to help future voters.

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23rd Jan '23

Hello bLd Nodes!

Thank you for your feedback!

All the information that you mentioned will be included in the final proposal.

24th Jan '23

As all follow-up of bounty 12, I will nay this proposal for the same reason

  • High amounts for too low outcomes
  • < 50% of total amount dedicated to object of the proposal: reward content creation
  • Closed circle paying each others very difficult to enter for a new content creator
  • Missing transparency on usage of funds: no reporting, abuses
  • Full time permanent salaries in proposals overlapping with the Kusamarian proposals salaries
  • Abusive salary rates
  • Encouraging greed over love
24th Jan '23

Thank you again for the feedback.

With all respect. I think you are confusing some numbers with my proposal.

I saw that you posted the EXACT same comment on other proposals. You should read each one individually before judging them all as being things. Each proponent has its objectives and costs.

  • 80% of the proposal value is for content production reward.

  • numbers may be low today, but nothing starts with giant numbers. The idea is to develop new content creators and not promote established ones.

  • Anyone has access to join the Guild or WagMedia. There is no impediment to this.

  • There is no lack of transparency. We have a report on all Bounty 12 expenses and the reports for the Portuguese unit will be in the final proposal.

  • My proposal's budget is well below Kusamarian's Value.

24th Jan '23

I don't think the circle to join the Wegmedia is closed. The community is open to everyone on Discord, and there is no barrier for entry for new content producers, as long as they are able to present a proof of quality work.

25th Jan '23

It was brought to my attention ser that you are spamming this followup on multiple proposals (so i'm spamming this reply). It would be good for you to take the time to read the proposals before perpetuating these false and nonsense accusations. 😆

I'll let the proposer speak to any of the others (even if their time would be wasted) but I would clarify that there is absolutely no overlap with The Kusamarian project. Not only is this work completely separate in scope, structure, and outcome, Panegali doesn't even work for The Kusamarian.

Truly, a shameful addition to the discourse bLD 😛

25th Jan '23

Dear Panegali, thanks for addressing my points I am sorry for you as director, you seem to have an interesting proposals and I will read final one in details, I was wrong about salary on this one. But Wag decided to be not accountable for Bounty 12 results while splitting proposals and left community with no choice but commenting the same on all proposals.

Dear Jay, as you know I respect and like work you have been doing a lot. But you love too much treasury money and think you can act on your own rules which I don't agree with. Since you don't address any of the points but you obviously drive centrally all these proposals, I won't engage more with your pointless answer.

PS: I didn't receive your answer as notification, probably because of inappropriate language

25th Jan '23

Please let me be precise: the report of bounty 12 doesn't allow to measure efficiency and outcome, so I couldn't have a positive vote without report of previous usage of funds.

25th Jan '23

I reviewed your proposal and it seems to me actually correct, I will aye it. In the future, I would like to see some synergy with the Polkadot ambassador program which has brought a lot of communities to life and can act as a curator of bounty as a matter of transparency. I don't know how is the current state of this program in Portugese communities but you guys could be catalysts to develop it.

22nd Jan '23

I have been hearing about the WagMedia proposal in every language, in every country? Who has asked the question of the efficiency of this single model? If everyone is doing the same, are we sure to achieve the goal of recognition? Visibility is one thing. Getting Polkadot recognised is another. I take part in official economic missions. Almost no one knows Polkadot within companies or institutions today. This is a drama. What are the real results of the WagMedia model? Do we have tangible information to evaluate it? It's never a good idea "to put all your eggs in one basket". Do you think a company, would allocate so many resources without OKR and/or tangible results? . I would support Portugese community. My comment is applicable to all WM proposals and as a stakeholder and ambassador, I am really doubtful about what we are chosing to do to promote Polkadot.

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23rd Jan '23

I think what you're concerned about is very fair, and it was a concern that was shared by many, including myself. This is exactly why each old Bounty 12 unit is now on its own to propose an individual strategy, exactly as you suggested.

Wag Media is a toolset, and everyone who would like to use this toolset can propose and stand their own ground with their own unique proposal, strategy, and goals. It wouldn't be fair to categorize them all under one model, similar to categorizing all dapps on a chain to be the same wouldn't be fair.

Instead, everyone will be able to vote to fund whatever models they like and dislike.

23rd Jan '23

Hello David!

Thank you for your feedback!

Our focus at the moment is to teach and qualify as many people as possible.

The goal of reaching companies and corporations is included in our focus, because the more people learn how the DotSama ecosystem works, it will be inevitable that this knowledge does not reach the corporations and attract their attention.

This proposal I am making, is focused mostly on original content, which will give more visibility to this material and along with some SEO strategies, will make this content appear in the top positions of searches, thus being found by more people.

We are leaving aside only translations and focusing on current and personalized contents, which can be produced according to the market moment and for the target audience.

As for each unit of Wagmedia making independent proposals, I find it very interesting, because we will have diversity of ideas, actions, approaches. And when good actions are made, they tend to be copied and improved by other units.

23rd Jan '23

Hello! Yes I was pinged to chime in here. As the others have alluded to, it's important to realize that WagMedia itself is not a top down organization or strategy. It is a tool to connect media makers to treasuries who would like to incentivize specific creation. There are many parachain parachain projects deploying their own treasuries for instance, each incentivizing the same pool of talent!

Bounty 12 was an initiative to introduce Kusama treasury to this growing pool of talent. Portions of it was provided to community leaders who emerged to incentive content around a common idea (NFT, Defi, General) or a language. Each Director grew their own units, many of which are now seeking individual funding. Each should be judged on the merits its own output and its own mission for the future.

Also note that WagMedia is undergoing a major upgrade to unlock these incentive tools for local community discords, as well as provide an easier onboarding experience, even better tracking and transparency of all funds awarded, and a system to track Creator output and (importantly) the reach of the content they creaet.

Great question, thanks for asking. And hope that clears things up :)

25th Jan '23

Thanks for your time. For me, it's important to provide more tangible results. As an ambassador who works within official governmental economic missions, I can affirm that Polkadot is unknown everywhere I'm, even in the blockchain area. I wonder about this.

So many means in one kind of approach, for me it's not good, even more so if we don't have measurable results... We need diversity in the marketing models too. I think so.

27th Jan '23

Hello David, you've made a fair concern. We should also look at institutions for marketing, but in order to reach them, you need the right "contacts" and I can assure you the average media guy trying to promote in their native language and earn a fair buck most likely doesn't have those sort of contacts in high places. I think it would take guys like Gavin, Peter Mauric or Dan Reecer from Acala to do that and as far as I'm aware, there are some discussions behind the scenes to help bring lots of liquidity to Polkadot so let's give that time.

On the other hand, media will always be there as long as the internet won't go away ;-) so this content will be found by people wanting to learn and they won't get discouraged that the ecosystem is too complex to navigate given there is a tutorial to help them, not just one but multiple from different sources ! This will not only bring 1 but many people through word of mouth etc..

I hope you see my point as to how this can help.

30th Jan '23

We cannot forget that this WagMedia model was designed to be a solution to encourage production outside of the old TIP-based one.

If local units are not supported within WAGMedia this production will be fragmented into multiple proposals either for Tips or for other Proposals like this one.

Making everything much more complex and actually non-productive.

I think that in the near future there may be other initiatives like WagMedia and one of them could use the OKRs methodology as an administrative basis. I would be really happy if one day this Treasury support ecosystem is more and more varied with many models in test. Each one for a purpose and with more specific rules as you put it.

This is the true spirit of decentralization. And I see in Polkadot the necessary maturity to conduct this. Which would actually be a very good experiment to redefine labor relations in this 21st century.

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