#2631 Customized Kusama Chocolate Bars | Proof of Taste - 2nd Edition anyone?

in General
23rd Mar '24

Since the customized Kusama/Polkdaot chocolate bars were well received last year, I'd like to ask you, if you'd like to have a second edition?

The graphic designer designed a couple of designs last year, of which only one was chosen and finally used for the 1st edition of customized Kusama chocolate. Hence, we have some designs left, which we can use, without paying the graphic designer again ($500 dollar payment back then).

I would ask again for the same amount like last year ($2200 - currently around 50 KSM), to cover the manufacturing costs for +100 editions and shipping costs for users, who'd like to get the chocolate delivered to their homes or offices. My learning from the first edition was that i underestimated the shipping costs to remote places around the world. With the amount of $2200 we'll be able to order more than 100 editions and I will be covered with shipping costs, too.

Instead of shipping all the chocolate all around the world like last time, my idea is to keep half of the boxes for Polkadot decoded 2024 in Brussels. They can be given away randomly at the event or maybe we can arrange some kind of lottery. I will either ship them to the organisers beforehand or bring them my self. I guess it's a cool story to bring our own branded chocolate to Brussels, which is known for its high standard chocolates!

Please, vote and let me know if you're in favour of this idea or not :)

--> see original polkassembly posting and discussion for the 1st edition in 2023 here

--> copy of the link to the full proposal from last year for 1st edition can be found here

--> Link to manufacturer here

--> check out last years 1st edition here

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23rd Mar '24


Not only a beautiful package (i still have the box), but also very good !! Only for OGs :)

24th Mar '24

Go bigger, go better! One thing I thought was missing in chocolate bars last time was that there was no connection between the branding and the chocolate.

So do more flavors create some themes! Here are some ideas based on flavors on their website:

  • Polkadot Praline
  • Kusama Caramel
  • OpenGov Orange Liqueur
  • Substrate Saffron
  • Multisig Mousse
  • Pumpin' Pumpkin
  • Chaos Cranberry
  • Rekt Raspberry

I think we should commission a designer to come up with even more designs that resonate with these themes. I think that'll help connect the branding with the actual product.

We should go bigger with the supply as well. Everyone at decoded should get a box! We should create a shop where people can buy the chocolates with DOT or KSM. Let's make this an operation!

This idea has so much potential. If we're going to continue funding this then we should be evolving it more and more!

I'm more than happy to help in whatever way I can! Just send me a DM!

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25th Mar '24


hello Adam,

Great idea and I'm up for the challenge! Multisig Mousse and Substrate Saffron :) Just be aware that the choice for the custom editions is limited as shown here

I'd rather trust my graphic designer, who is a pro with a proven track record and already has experience with the supplier. But if the community prefers to use another one, I'm cool with it. Initially my suggestion was to use the in-house graphic designer of Parity or Web3 Foundation, in case there is one?

Regarding going big and bigger... This will become a logistics issue with transportation and space required to store and maybe even keep the chocolate relatively cool. I can store the boxes at home or in the basement, but towards June and July there is a risk because of the heat (maybe not in the basement).

It's possible to ship the boxes directly from the supplier to any destination, like for example to Polkadot decoded in Brussels. But again, maybe risky during July heat.

Anyway, I'll reach out to you and let's see what we can work out ;)

Much Love, BsPs

28th Mar '24

chocalate was delecious and design also top notch

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