#2406 Kusama Treasury Proposal - Customized Chocolate Bars To Make Kusama Tangible And Give IT A Touch Of Lifestyle
I'd like to get feedback on my proposal from you all. What do you think about the proposal? Is it ridiculous or a good fit for experimental Kusama? Is there a need for a treasury proposal or can it be covered with "Tips"? What additional information can I provide to support the trust and legitimacy in me, fulfilling this goal when approved? Listened to the latest governance video with Gavin and Raul from Buenos Aires, where Gavin highlighted, that he'd like to see proposals which create awareness and can easily be replicated, which I believe is the case for this proposal. (source: Community Treasuries Grants and Open Governance | Polkadot Blockchain Academy - min. 45:02-46:00)
much love, BsPs
Kusama Treasury Proposal: Customized Chocolate Bars To Make Kusama Tangible And Give It A Touch Of Lifestyle
Proponent: [ESJW7WgAxoybpZ6ULrh6dYwi3WpEGY2hN3wB1eYKE3NcTHo]
Date: 29.01.2022
Requested KSM:
Short description:
1. Q: Context of the proposal:
1a. After having a short discussion about this idea with Bill at Polkadot decoded last June, he gave me confidence to try to propose this idea here at the Kusama treasury.
1b. I’m a senior ambassador for Polkadot who participated in the Kusama’s thousand validator programme with my own hardware, regular host of Polkadot Meet Up’s in Munich, Germany, full time product development engineer and part time entrepreneur with experience in product design and ecommerce.
1c. The motivation for this idea comes from the digital nature of blockchain making it hard to grasp in the analogue world and hence not being tangible. The logo and branding of Kusama or Polkadot should be present on daily goods to make it easier for users to connect emotionally not only visually, but for example also through flavor, sound, or touch. I believe giving Kusama or Polkadot a touch of lifestyle would be a great differentiator to other blockchains out there and in the digital world, with all its noise it’s very hard to stand out only with nice branding and logos on social media.
1d. n/a
2. Q: Problem statement
What all the blockchain projects out there have in common, is that they only market and brand themselves in the digital world, but not in the analogue real world. The attention span on social media is very short and with all the noise it’s very hard for users to connect emotionally to a blockchain project, except they are token holders, fan boys/girls, or team members of the project. How can we attract new users to Polkadot/Kusama and keep existing users connected and attracted to Polkadot/Kusama, without digital marketing methods like air drops, online quizzes, virtual meetings, NFT drops, or online ads on social media? I guess that one method which has proven itself in the last year to make users get emotionally attached to Polkadot, are real life events like Decoded or Sub0. Merchandise is also a good tool, but unfortunately it lacks creativity and by now we probably all have enough black t-shirts with a boring text logo in standard font in our wardrobe.
3. Q: Proposal Objective/solution/s to point 2
Kusama/Polkadot branded chocolate bars with custom packaging design to promote Kusama and Polkadot and other parachains with QR codes for example. These chocolate gift boxes can be used for:
- Kusama/Polkadot gift tool: receiver of gifted KSM/DOT can chose to receive the chocolate gift box by providing his/her address
- Regular attendees of Meet Up’s or Twitter spaces who prove attendance with POAP’s
- Business partners or investors to make them aware of projects building on top of Kusama/Polkadot
- Give away on real life events like Polkadot Decoded to special guests, supporters or volunteers
3a Q: How does this proposal change the current logic in Kusama? n/a
3b Q: Who does this solution help?
Producing real world lifestyle products for Kusama/Polkadot should help with brand awareness and long term connectivity to new users and existing users, who value physical products that can be experienced through touch, taste, visual appearance, scent and hence motivate user to interact with Kusama/Polkadot and use the provided tools like staking, governance, minting NFTs, community growth, etc.
3c Q: Milestones and tasks to include:
approval of spending proposal
choosing projects and brands apart of Polkadot und Kusama who want to be represented with the custom chocolate bars
designing of product packaging together with individual brand representatives and choosing individual chocolate flavors
submitting designs and chocolate requirements to manufacturer and placing order
sending batches to various locations for easier distribution like Berlin, Zug, (optional)
including shipping feature to Kusama/Polkadot tool, to allow receivers of gifted KSM/DOT to get chocolate bars
3d Q: Include any extra links completing the proposal here
Link to manufacturer with information about chocolate bar flavor, chocolate bar type, minimum order quantity, packaging options and costing.
this option which was successfully ordered in the past and given positive feedback for users (100 pieces - wild berry with vanilla)
preferred option for Kusama/Polkadot chocolate bar set of two in gift box
preferred option for Kusama/Polkadot +2 parachains for example (four in total) with gift box
4. Q: Why Kusama? Is supposed to be wild, progressive, experimental and hence perfect fit for such an unusual and experimental proposal
5. Q: Have you seen any similar proposals? Why is yours different? Haven’t seen anything similar so far
6. Q: Payment conditions?
100 pieces and two chocolate bars incl. gift box: €986 (without VAT!) ( According to price table seen here )
100 pieces and four chocolate bars incl. Gift box: € 1638 (without VAT!) ( According to price table seen here )
€500 flat rate for graphic designers for designing layout on product packaging (optional). As an alternative in house graphic designer of Parity or W3F can be used if available.
fund recipient address: ESJW7WgAxoybpZ6ULrh6dYwi3WpEGY2hN3wB1eYKE3NcTHo
exchange rate on 29th of January 2023: 1 KSM = € 33,82
Comments, Qs&As:
We'd love to hear about how you got to know about the Kusama on-chain treasury: let us know, in a few sentences, how did you become familiar with the spending mechanism and the on-chain treasury?
Heard about it very often in various talks, presentations and meetings and read the tutorial on how to apply.
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love this idea - we're working on a way for the network (and others) to subsidise Kusama bread for local communities who can't afford good food - and as a way of onboarding them into this new world in a slightly more human way :) sure we could add some chocolate.
in terms of the production of the chocolate how / where are you sourcing it?
would be great to have a little depth to the story beyond just the packaging?
I'd be sourcing from Zotter Schokolade (link is also in the description) from Austria. They have a good reputation and I have successfully worked with them in the past as well.
Regarding depth to the story: not sure if you mean delivering a story with the packaging or the story from the past that made me go for that idea?
I can give an example from a friend, who had a special experience with the chocolate I've branded in the past: I ordered branded chocolate from Zotter last year (vanilla - wild berry flavour), and shared it among friends as well as with people I've met at Polkadot decoded in Berlin last summer. Feedback was great and everybody loved it. Last week one of my friend called me and told me that he has tried some chocolate (different branding), which had exactly the same flavour like mine and it immediately triggered his senses and made him remember the chocolate and brand that I gave him. To me, it proved my point, that sound, scent and taste have a great marketing effect on users. We all remember certain songs from our childhood that connect us to certain memories, everybody recognises the jingles of Slack, Whatsapp, etc, I remember the scent of fig trees and it brings me back to my childhood, and so on... I'm sure you have similar examples.
Regarding the story that can be communicated with the packaging: Well, I have some ideas, but I'd rather get some input from the community or Parity/W3F representatives. Maybe you have some good ideas? From what I've seen on your website and great video you guys did, you seem to have know-how in storytelling ... what a story with Andy from Groove Armada!!! Love it!
I need some Kusama bread :)
This is much more yummy compared to another translation proposal from Wagmedia.
You do need an acquired taste for languages to appreciate these proposals. 😅
This is a really unique proposal! 👏🏿
One thing I found missing in this proposal is the post-production stage. Specifically, I think it would be good to collate/collect feedback from future purchasers of these chocolates and share it on an official webpage.
This would help the community decide whether this proposal and its batch of chocolates were well-received in the real world. 😋 Who knows, the community might propose that this experiment be expanded to international locations (i.e beyond the EU) later on.
All the best! 💪🏿
good idea! do we have a platform where we could provide feedback? I'm not aware of any unfortunately. I can imagine that when we share the chocolate at Meet Ups, then the guests could provide feedback at the Meet Up app. That's what I always ask them to do... But based on my experience with the chocolate I got branded in the past, the receivers were happily sharing their experience with me without asking and I'm convinced they would do so on social media and that would be the best feedback we could get.
Thanks for the information, @babes.
I suggest you include the development of a Review/Feedback page (with pics/audio/videos/shorts?) in your proposal to account for the time and costs of putting it together for the community.
I look forward to seeing it all come to life! 🤞🏿
Is there anyway you can get a deal with Laderach for production? If you use them for production I will literally buy every bar.
I checked them out and from what I can see they don't offer a customisation service like Zotter does. But let me challenge your Swiss premium chocolate with some custom branded Kusama chocolate made in Austria!
Proposal sounds delicious haha well, why not?
Hi Babespapes,
I am still kinda lost in this proposal and not sure what to think of it. The only thing I am sure about, is that this is by all means a wild, sweet and experimental idea.
So yes, I say go for it!
PS: For onchain submission you may need a more permanent form so if I may suggest using the recent proposal template.
where is the "lost" part in this proposal? maybe I can help or clarify. Thanks for making me aware of the proposal template, I wasn't aware of it! Once I have copied and changed the format of the current proposal to the new format you shared with me, should I edit/update this one here at Polkassembly or leave it as is?
I was just speaking figuratively as this is indeed a unique and different proposal to what we had so far. So I got a bit “lost” as I couldn't decide where to fit it. :)
Thanks, I hope the template will make it easier for you to form proposal. It may not be a bad idea to post it here before, so others can double check it for potential errors before publishing a permanent version. I would even like to use it as one of proposal examples for others if it is ok with you.
I copied, formated and updated the proposal to the new template, you recommended. Do you want to have a look a it and see if it's ok like that?: Kusama Treasury Project Proposal
Sure, thanks for asking. I sent you request to edit/comment the document.
I like the proposal. I would still like to see some moving average price for KSM.
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