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#487 Bounty Proposal: Infrastructure Maintenance Proposal

in Council
1st Jun '22

On behalf of the community, we propose the creation of an Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty that will work to aid teams that have been funded by the treasury before for the development of their ideas, to maintain infrastructure and to perform continued operations to reduce the work or resubmitting the treasury proposals and time constraints associated with it, as well as model a way in which the community can achieve more agency and support in directing how on-chain treasury funds are spent.

Hence, the Maintenance Bounty is meant to be open-ended, with the funds being distributed through child bounties that cover teams continued development of the essential infrastructure. The following proposed child bounties contain mainly the recurring tasks for block explorers, governance forums and applications, snapshots and validators service providers, open-source and community wallet services, and other projects aiming to cover maintenance costs with treasury funds.

Further information on the bounty mechanism, management of the funds and budget can be found in the bounty proposal document.

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27th Jun '22

Announcing the candidates for the Administrative Curator: Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty

This announcement is to present the candidates for the Curator, who, upon approval, will oversee the Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty, which was passed as the 13th Bounty via Motion 487.

Multisig with its own on-chain identity has been formed to operate as a united voting body. The on-chain identity will be known as "MAINTENANCE CURATOR PROXY". In addition, the multisig will utilise an anonymous proxy account to further increase security and provide better scalability. Thus, curators of this bounty will share the responsibilities of a 3/5 Multisig wallet. Signers include:


The full curator application, along with context, curators, their responsibilities, rewards distribution process and reporting can be found here.

12th Oct '22

Image As this Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty is meant to be open-ended, after the completion of the test period, the team behind the Infrastructure Maintenance Bounty decided to publish a report and a follow-up proposal requesting a top-up to continue covering the ongoing costs of running reliable public infrastructure for the Kusama ecosystem: including block explorers, governance forums and applications, snapshots and validators service providers, community wallet services and other projects seeking to cover maintenance costs with treasury funds.

All the details of the proposal, along with the spending analysis, report, enhancements and requested budget, can be found here.

24th Jan '23

Update: We are pleased to announce that we have appointed a new curator to our Instrasturcutre Maintenance Bounty! We are confident that Coinstudio will bring fresh ideas and provide our team with the expertise and guidance needed to keep ecosystem infrastructure running smoothly. We are looking forward to continuing our journey together!


21st Mar '23

Image In this post, we are submitting the Maintenance bounty report showcasing the child bounties approved as well as aim to request a top-up of the Infrastructure maintenance bounty, which works to aid teams that have been funded by the treasury before for the development of their ideas, to maintain infrastructure and perform continued operations to reduce the work or to resubmit the treasury proposals and time constraints associated with it, as well as model a way in which the community can achieve more agency and support in directing how on-chain treasury funds are spent. The bounty has been running for roughly a year now and has helped fund multiple infrastructure proposals, whose details can be found in the spreadsheet here.

This follow-up top-up will enable us to continue with our efforts as well.

Details of this proposal, including what we have achieved so far, our future goals, and an estimated breakdown of the requested top-up, can be found in the proposal document.

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