#39 Stylo - an offline wallet based on Parity Signer
This is the on chain proposal corresponding to the discussion https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/post/315
Proposal: Stylo - offline wallet
- Date: 15.02.2021
- Requested DOT: 159 DOTs
Short description:
Stylo is an offline wallet that brings user friendliness to the front seat. It allows storing funds offline. Any interaction with the online world happens by scanning QR codes. Transactions are scanned, using the phone’s camera. They can then be reviewed and signed offline, and finally transmitted to an online wallet by scanning a QR code displayed on the phone, by a computer webcam. Stylo means pen in french.
Context of the proposal
Many readers of this proposal will know Parity Signer. The idea of using a spare phone totally offline to store private-keys and scan transactions with QR code is simply great. In the past year however, Parity Signer has become increasingly complex to use. It targets power users, with 10s of accounts and is heavily forcing the hand toward the use of derivation paths. This is a concept that most users do not master. The idea to create a new application came from conversations with external users through the support channel of Parity Signer. Additionally, Parity Signer is currently missing critical features such as the ability to review a transaction, effectively putting its user at risk.
Stylo will be based on Parity Signer, refactoring big parts of the app to make it simple to grasp for its users. The idea is to have a flow similar to the one in Polkadot-js Extension, where all accounts are visible right away (see mocks below). It will be available on Android as an app, and on the Play store for testing. Why not on iOS you may ask? Because I do not have any Mac, or any iOS device. Stylo, just like Parity Signer, will be built using React-Native, therefore, it can be made available on Apple devices in the future, with (hopefully) minimal efforts.
About the developer
I’m Thibaut Sardan, I have been a Parity employee in the past and worked on Parity Signer. I am dedicated to making this space easier to navigate for new and current users.
What this proposal is for
- An app (see mocks below) available as apk (Github) and on the Android Play store
- Support for DOT, KSM, any Substrate chain and ETH.
Work to be done
Conditions of payment
Amount requested: 159 DOTs Corresponding to ~3180$, or 60$/h for a developer or designer, and 100$/tester. Price calculated based on the average price in the past 1 month: 1 DOT = 20$
This is a minimal milestone, aiming at bringing the app live asap and measuring the community’s reaction/adoption. I will build it in my free time. Some features are already implemented, such as the details view.
Features and ideas that can be added in subsequent milestones:
- support for simple message signing
- support for derivation in a (similar way than Polkadot-js extension)
- unlock with fingerprint instead of pin
- metadata update over QR code
Show More
The Society submitted its treasury proposal for the DotsToLines collab: the human blockchain project.
The proposal centres in community growth and education focused in the verge of technology and art - this particular submission covers:
- Narrative, marketing and comms outreach strategy and development
- Brand development
- Website development
- Society treasury funding for new members, taking into account maker’s fee and candidate reward.
You can find the proposal doc to review here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6kFyznrDnyctZViK29J2OvBrr4D1LNo/view?usp=sharing
Thank you for submitting the proposal! The background information reminds me of a book I really liked: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/metal-and-flesh
A few questions / comments
- The graphic on page 5 of the PDF is blurry but I think I understand the flow
- What does vouching for a new candidate mean for the Maker? From reading the proposal this isn't totally clear to me. Is the Maker vouching that the the candidate is legitimate or has the tattoo?
- I really like that this includes a website for the Society. What will be included on the website, specifically?
- Who is the target audience of Pathways and how will we measure success of the gamification activities? Where will this outreach to new users happen?
- The proposal says it aims to solve 2 main issues with Kusama, one being "The disuse of available resources for building on the network;" but doesn't provide any examples. Would be curious what is meant by this statement.
@jack, answers below:
- vouching for a new candidate for the maker means they get their part of the reward as payment for executing proof-of-ink. The Maker is the tattoo artist, that by joining the Society can become a Maker of it and get rewarded in KSM for the work done.
- There is a first website developed by Shawn (https://www.shawntabrizi.com/substrate-society/). The website we are envisioning will be a more sophisticated version of this one, that will retrieve data onchain to give accurate information for candidates and makers on the next steps, samples on PoI including onchain info, include a blog about new projects, educational resources (incl. Pathways access) and detailed information on what the Society is. Shawn has shown interest in continuing the development of this website. We will partner with him for the first steps I believe, and use the brand resources developed on the 1st phase.
- The target audience for pathways is for now only non-tech people, especially artists, designers and musicians. the outreach of the project will be set up during the comms strategy outline between DotsToLines and the society, with Emily's help, and will include the use of DotsToLines handles for it. For this first, a more matured narrative is needed, so the first step is to develop this. The goal of the narrative is for non-tech people to understand the use of treasury.
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