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Treasury Proposal#103 >> Council Motion#339
Requested: 38.66 KSM

#103 dotreasury maintenance from 05.2021 to 07.2021 and part of M3 features development

in Treasury
5th Aug '21

Copied from post 816.

The MA30 price at subscan is 203.077 at my proposal time, so we request 7850/203.077 = 38.66 KSM.

dotreasury aims to introduce retrospect mechanism for Kusama/Polkadot treasury, while you can see it as a treasury explorer. Check here for this project history.



Server fees for 05.2021 and 07.2021: (8vCPU + 16G + 1 TB SSD + 10Mbps) * 3 = $450 * 3 = $1350

services run in this server:

  • 2 polkadot archive node instance for Polkadot and Kusama
  • 1 polkadot-collator archive node instance for Statemine
  • 1 mongodb instance
  • dotreasury
    • scan scripts for production and staging environments
    • dotreasury restful server for production and staging environments
  • metadata scan scripts for production and staging. We use these scripts to scan store the raw block/events data, so we don't have to read them from the node.
  • Statescan
    • scan scripts for production and staging environments
    • Statescan restful server for production and staging environments
  • Price tracker scripts
  • Some other scripts like monitors

We'd say this server is a little tired, and we may increase 1 or 2 servers in next season.

Continuous development

We are still actively developing to improve it. Please check the code diff from last delivery. Our work includes:

  1. We improved the way to check the target calls recursively, so we won't miss some actions without events, check code here
  2. Improve page performance by only connecting 1 node when page init
  3. Add funded projects and related links for proposals manually
  4. Continually track the polkadot.js releases and update dotreasury dependencies to make it work for latest runtime
  5. Some UI improvements and bugs, like show voting members on proposal list, fiat value punctuation, link recognition, etc.

We request 10 days cost for 1 developer, and it's $500 * 10 = $5000.

Part of M3 work

You can see the original M3 plan here and a discussion we raise about beneficiary credit model. We still can not decide the best model for a credit score, but we can first let the grade action happen. That means councilors and any token holders can grade 1-5 for a proposal and leave a short message, and they have to sign it with polkadot.js extension which we will store to IPFS. Of course anybody can see these grades with the verified signatures.

We request $1500 for this feature development.


Please check metrics from cloudflare. The visitors are not so many. Sorry that our social media followers are very few and maybe we need some work to promote it.

Total cost

The work is for both kusama and polkadot, but to make the on-chain work simple, we apply from kusama and polkadot in turn every 3 monthes.

| Description                             | Time          | Cost  |
| Server(8vCPU + 16G + 1 TB SSD + 10Mbps) | last 3 months | $1350 |
| Continuous maintenance development      | last 3 months | $5000 |
| Support grading and IPFS storage        | 2 weeks       | $1500 |
| Total                                   |               | $7850 |

I will calc the KSM amount when propose it on-chain with the MA30 price if no problems.

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30th Sep '21

Updated description with link to the designs. Feedback welcome!

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