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Council Motion#134 >> Tech Committee Proposal#32 >> Referendum#48

#32 Fix Statemint - Aura Key Scheme

in Council
27th Apr '20

After Shell successfully processed the runtime upgrade to Statemint and handed over block production to the Statemint collators, they were not able to produce blocks due to a mismatch in key types. Specifically, Aura uses sr25519 keys to sign blocks, but the keys in the genesis chain spec were generated using ed25519.

A new runtime was created as a temporary fix. This runtime enables ed25519 in Aura for Statemint. This will be enacted on the Relay Chain so that validators will be able to validate the collator signatures. After the chain is producing blocks again, a follow up runtime upgrade will migrate Aura back to using sr25519 keys.

Call hash: 0x0e21b5233c7591ee89eca0cae71cf9a9a4c45fe2393075ab33361a673f5d322d


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27th Apr '20
  polkadot git:(master) ✗ export PACKAGE=kusama-runtime; srtool build --json
  "gen": "srtool v0.9.5",
  "commit": "0353c979172819e9957d1e5890b821a880b1ff4b",
  "tag": "v0.7.30",
  "branch": "HEAD",
  "tmsp": "2020-04-27T10:29:25Z",
  "rustc": "rustc 1.43.0-nightly (c20d7eecb 2020-03-11)",
  "size": "1685757",
  "pkg": "kusama-runtime",
  "prop": "0xd39a9ab3692021ef9859a35b49467685334e5ea98ecdc35e1c4b5497bd7675b4",
  "sha256": "2a6c5f3a319bfa0a4d26b3ed62046e71f7a59b01279f3c2858d5e80d36db887f",
  "wasm": "./target/srtool/release/wbuild/kusama-runtime/kusama_runtime.compact.wasm"

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