GM Kusama Community, thanks for all the DVs and Communities providing feedback, on these failed proposal attempts:
#131 Parachain Assets Fiat Onramp Support Bounty Program
Dear Kusama community,
This is Zhixi Zhang from Interlay. We propose a bounty program aimed at helping Kusama parachains integrate fiat on-ramp support for their native assets with Banxa, one of the leading providers in the space. Please visit discussion post regarding this bounty via this link.
Currently, acquiring native parachain tokens has been identified as a significant obstacle for new users in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem, and many parachains are seeking solutions to incorporate an on-ramp service. However, integrating on-ramp services can be challenging for parachains due to high costs and extensive liquidity requirements. Meanwhile, in order to integrate parachain tokens, service providers face barriers such as limited token volume and restricted exposure to DeFi solutions.
After conducting extensive research and interviews with various on-and-off-ramp service providers, along with numerous conversations with different projects in the ecosystem, we decided to work with Banxa, a leading payment service provider, to bring to you a bounty program that aims to provide an affordable on-ramp service tailored for Polkadot and Kusama assets.
This bounty program is intended to help as many parachains as possible in establishing easy and secure solutions for native token on-ramp, thereby improving the user acquisition process for the ecosystem as a whole. Please take a look at the full bounty proposal, we would love to hear what you think!
Bounty Cost: $10 500 per parachain
Bounty coverage:
- Parachain + native asset support for 9 Kusama parachains: $10 500 for each parachain support with one parachain native asset onramp support
- Statemine support + Onramp support for Kusama native USD Stablecoins* +KSM: $10 500
Total requested budget: $105 000 USD of KSM
*Note: Native USDT onramp support is now available on Statemine and can be integrated. Onramp support for USDC and other stablecoins will be added once liquidity channels are in place.
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Overall 76 % of users are feeling optimistic. The Kusama ecosystem is set to benefit from a new referendum aimed at improving asset acquisition through on-ramp services, making it more accessible and inclusive for parachains. The proposal has received widespread support, with many expressing excitement about its potential impact on the network's flexibility and user onboarding experience.
Overall 23 % of users are feeling neutral. The Bounty Curator Candidacy Announcement presents candidates for a curator position overseeing the Parachain Assets Onramp Support Bounty Program, with a multisig account and suggested rewards for committee members. The selection process ensures representation of all parties involved in this bounty program.
AI-generated from comments
Dear Zhixi,
we are excited to share the support for this referendum. The proposal aims to improve the Kusama ecosystem by making asset acquisition more accessible for parachains through robust on-ramp services. This is a crucial step towards a more inclusive and robust network, and I believe this initiative deserves an AYE from the crowd. It will definitely benefit parachains and thus the Kusama network itself!
Voted Aye
Thank you so much for this initiative 🙏
This is a big win for the entire ecosystem and we need it to make life easier when onboarding new people to the ecosystem.
Especially for some Parachain tokens it's been extremely hard to get hands-on.
Voted Aye
Looking forward to good things.
Hi Zhizi, thank you for leading the initiative!
This is Ryan from SubWallet. I fully support this initiative and am committed to contributing to it. I find it admirable that we are working together to onboard more users to the ecosystem.
Cant thank you enough for taking the initiative here and pushing this forward. From Ajuna Networks perspective, fiat onramps are ciritical to support onboarding for the application layer. Especially in more casual experiences, like gaming, being able to provide familiar payment options can reduce the initial friction for non web3 natives.
You have our support and vote
That's what I am talking about!! Finally something useful for our ecosystem. Strong Aye.
Hey, Zhixi,
Thank you for the proposal.
Here's the first referendum audit for this bounty proposal.
- This audit was not influenced by previous audits.
- This audit reflects only the quality of information presented in the proposal and not the Quality of the project/idea itself.
The following proposal Audit is created as a part of the extension for Proposal#67. More information about the Treasury proposal template and the Audit process can be found on the link above. All templates are free for everyone to use. For any questions or feedback regarding the Audit templates use the discussion link from above.
Voted Aye
Great job! I also voted Aye for this as I'm in support of a fiat on-ramp for the ecosystem as it will help big time for flexibility!
Voted Aye
I voted Aye. I think we need make easly for users the way them get Kusama and parachains assets with Fiat.
Voted Aye
Bounty Curator Candidacy Announcement
The selection of administrative curators is crucial for the success of the bounty program. This announcement presents the candidates for the curator position who, upon approval, will oversee the "Parachain Assets Onramp Support" Bounty Program. The bounty will be curated by a Multisig. It is suggested that the curator committee receives a reward to compensate for their time and effort in this initiative.
The selection of curators is carefully designed to represent all parties involved in this bounty. For more context, please visit the Bounty Curator Candidacy Proposal, which provides information on the curators' backgrounds, responsibilities, and the reward scheme.
Multi-sig account: Fc2PupM7xp2yefw97D3yDhEWMXcWPWkYUdpTSf8Gj8St1B7
Curator Candidacy:
Alexei Zamyatin, Co-founder of Interlay
Address: 5Cu7pF9kxM3HiP69RNA5b1N2ogpgoRYEtvHrjkQDF3P7iofS
Jonathan Dunne, CTO of Talisman Address: 5FxvpoBxF73oAbQKouuhtbXootQceqq9hE8UvJPFf8Tjzcu7
Ryan Dinh - Head of Business Development of SubWallet
Address: 5DvpfEPfr8xBA34VusHM8h4q5XdBi2vbpdcA7s2rEmtuAze4
Irvin Cardenas: Co-founder and CEO at OpenDive Technologies
Address: Gpr3ou8w6PgQxCeeEz3Ap3iuamKQn1ktgZjbNNZB4ghzKUU
Jakub Greguš, Jakub Gregus, Co-founder of HydraDX & Basilisk
Address: 14TRztENRz87sn67Gh4aVaCpiWmtiuxg4JkNKVGkvRqwDbgD
I fully support this project and its mission.
Hi Kusama Community,
We have released the first batch of assets following tokens part of the proposal!
- Bajun (BAJU)
- Bifrost Native Coin (BNC)
- KINT (Kintsugi)
Users will be able to purchase these coins on and Talisman Wallet. More wallet integrations to come soon.
We will raise the next bounty for the curators to approve.
We are in the process of validating a true need for a service to assist teams with crafting and completing successful treasury proposals, so they can focus on building. We would love to hear about your experience with this proposal. If you are willing to take a few minutes, please fill out this form about your experience with the OpenGov treasury proposal process:
Feel free to leave out any details that your team is not comfortable with sharing, but the more info you can provide, the better we will be able to assess the potential need for our services.
For more info, follow us on Twitter/X:
Discover similar proposals
Online Educational Program for C-Levels : A future Kusama DAOs Academy proposal.
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Medium Spender
Medium Spender
GM Kusama Community, thanks for all the DVs and Communities providing feedback, on these failed proposal attempts:
- — Non-speculative fund asking, use the EMA right
- — This program is different from the PBA because it's focused on LATAM, the UX part that is for the interest of decision-makers at operational, transparency, and regulatory level.
- — The time between proposals is too long. Why? Familiar medical issues and operational alliances were not confirmed. We keep prospecting and closing as we reach organizations.
- — At some AAG Jay asked me "Why on Kusama?" and yes not only because of fast approvals, but because Kusama represents chaos, represents non-orthodox methods, continue testing and developing, like any new organization or project, and Kusama is getting mature and taking a new path from their cousin, a path on which we need people to explore the chaos and possibilities of working with true permissionless technology, only ruled by consensus. New countries could born over the decades on top of Kusama, and ghost countries or organizations could also develop for the greater good or for evil, who knows, tech should be neutral, right? But people, professionals, and decision-makers need information, and education, to get their thoughts out of the box.
The Kusama DAO Academy, or DotSama ecosystem learning through e-learning platform and institutional alliances.
Kusama DAO Academy (KDA) is an educational program designed to train companies, institutions, and organizations in blockchain technology, with a special focus on the Kusama/Polkadot ecosystem. The initiative aims to promote the adoption of decentralized tools such as multisig, DIDs, NFTs, and decentralized financial mechanisms.
We request 1,050 KSM (~$21,000 USD) 1 KSM = 20 USD EMA= 30 days to develop and launch the program, ensuring its sustainability and expansion in Latin America, for the next 6 months.
GrowDAO the team behind this project, successfully provided education to professionals of big corporations and Universities in Mexico and Colombia such as Grupo Salinas, Banco Agrario de Colombia, Certi Cámara, Tecnológico de Monterrey and Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
We acknowledge that if we leave the ecosystem for any reason the community will be affected, that's why we must accomplish this so the community can have it open source and, other Hispanic DAOs or the Ambassadors Programme can benefit from it. (I love this ecosystem, and do better every day to stay with it)
Project Objectives
— Blockchain Education for Companies and Institutions: Teach organizations how to use blockchain technology for fund management, transparency, and operational efficiency.
— Adoption of Kusama/Polkadot: Integrate native ecosystem tools into teaching and certification processes.
— Self-Sustaining Model: Generate revenue through paid certifications and partnerships with universities and companies. (on the mid-run)
— Open Source Content: Publish educational materials for other DAOs and communities to use and expand upon.
Structure and Implementation Plan
Educational Content
- 6 structured modules on Moodle, accessible via web and mobile devices.
- Key topics: Blockchain security, DIDs, smart contracts, decentralized governance, multisig usage, and more.
- Video lessons, PDFs, case studies, and interactive assessments.
- 1st iteration videos (currently we are updating them to be suitable for Moodle, and zooming into the ecosystem)
Adoption Strategy and Partnerships
— FintechU Mx: Official certification recognized by the fintech sector in Mexico, national and international curricular value for the students. FintechU Mx has a specialized curriculum about fintech and blockchain in LATAM, they have graduated more than 1000 students from many C-Level positions at many startups and corporates in LATAM.
This collaboration will take the course of DAO School to their enrolled students and alumni, and it will be an administration cost covered by the student to get certificated nationally and internationally (50 USD) this is an administrative pay for FintechU we as GrowDAO not charge for this. The asked funds cover all our work for the next 6 months.
— Universities: Exploring integration with UAM Cuajimalpa and other institutions.
— Podcast "GM Crypto News": Content dissemination through YouTube and Spotify.
Infrastructure and Development
— Moodle-based platform hosted on a dedicated server. (Currently a home web server 2500U Ryzen 5, 12 GB RAM) Our plan for the next 6 months is to consolidate an alliance with a public college willing to host and offer the course to the students, and professors.
— Production of audiovisual content and creation of educational materials in accessible formats. (Podcast and video material for Moodle)
— Open Source the Moodle Content so any DAO can use it.
Funding and Sustainability
Estimated cost: 1,050 KSM (~$21,000 USD) 1 KSM = 20 USD EMA=30 days
Future revenue sources:
— Certifications: $50 USD per student. (Academic institution register future 12 months)
— Partnerships with companies and universities.
— Expansion of the model to other regions.
Benefits for the Kusama/Polkadot Ecosystem
✅ Increased adoption of DIDs, multisig, and NFTs in business environments.
✅ Positioning the ecosystem in Latin America through certified education.
✅ Creation of an Open Source repository with educational content accessible to other DAOs and communities.
✅ Generation of new use cases that drive the real-world utility of Kusama/Polkadot.
Success Metrics and Evaluation
🚀 Initial Goal: 100 certified students in the first 6 months.
🔗 Strategic Partnerships: At least 2 universities and 3 companies adopting decentralized tools.
💡 Documented Use Cases: Companies implementing solutions based on Kusama/Polkadot.
📈 Course Completion Rate: At least 70% of enrolled students complete certification.
Here's the full proposal, which is still changing due to community feedback. Please, reach me at:
- Discord: j3rga
- Telegram: j3rga
- email:
Kusama DAO Academy represents a strategic opportunity to strengthen the adoption of Kusama/Polkadot in Latin America through quality education and applicable use cases. With the requested funding, we will ensure the program's development, implementation, and future sustainability, impacting hundreds of students and organizations.
We invite the Kusama community to support this initiative and contribute to building a stronger, globally adopted ecosystem. 🚀🌎
Please reach me, comment, share, let me know what you need, how we can collaborate, etc, no one can go further without help, thank you all. We also want to connect with other initiatives, I'll be connecting with them, if you know of any project not well-known please share.
Future on-chain proposal: Online Educational Program for C-Levels
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Polkadot/Kusama Asset Hub Liquidity for Bridge Fee Swaps
KSM trading recently went live on Hydration after referendum #490 ( approved 33,333 KSM in Treasury LP. This has finally opened up liquidity flows between the two chains.
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Small Spender
Small Spender
KSM trading recently went live on Hydration after referendum #490 ( approved 33,333 KSM in Treasury LP. This has finally opened up liquidity flows between the two chains.
When transfers are made between the two using the Kusama <> Polkadot bridge, if a user does not have sufficient KSM/ DOT (depending on the chain) on the receiving network then a portion of the asset they’re sending (e.g. KSM from KAH to PAH) is swapped for the native token to pay for fees. This is excellent UX and prevents user frustration with having to collect fees before bridging assets - however, unfortunately the current liquidity leaves much to be desired and as a result users can get rekt by slippage and lose much larger amounts of their assets to fees than expected.
This proposal, if approved, will supply 333 KSM to a 2/2 multisig with signers Leemo & lolmcshizz - which combined with referendum ( on Polkadot, will be split between Kusama AssetHub and Polkadot AssetHub 50/50 to provide a base level of liquidity on each network. This will ensure that there is sufficient liquidity for these small swaps and users will only pay the fees they are expecting to when making transfers.
Any excess tokens will be returned to their respective treasuries.
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Funding for Public RPC Providers via Bounty 25
Dear community,
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Big Spender
Big Spender
Dear community,
I present this proposal on the authorization of the curators of bounty 25.
This proposal seeks to continue funding of Public RPC Providers for the period of six months plus an additional month's contingency. Funding is issued to bounty 25 which awards vendors for RPC services on the Kusama relay-chain as well as its system parachains. The total cost for such provision is USD$107,237.98, which represents $12,397.21 per month without contingency and administrative fees.
Bounty 25 adopts an tender based procurement model in which service providers bid on requirements as set-out by the curators. The tender requirements are aligned to ecosystem needs and can scale up/down depending on usage. Tenders are scored and the highest scoring providers receive funding.
Attention is also being placed on quality of service and should service providers fail to meet said quality-standards they will be penalized or lose funding altogether.
This approach has seen a reduction with independent funding proposals for such services and steering of providers to a "market rate".
Further details can be found here
Kind Regards,
Will | Paradox |
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