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Democracy Proposal#73 >> Referendum#218

#73 HRMP Channel Opening: Shiden <> Statemine

in Democracy
23rd Jun '22

Previous proposal fails because of wrong weight estimation, error fixed in this proposal.

The aim of this proposal is to open a bi-directional HRMP channel between Statemine and Shiden. Shiden’s parachain Id is 2007 and this is used in HRMP calls for channel opening.

Since previous call was unsuccessful due to incorrect max weight, we do not transfer funds for channel opening from Kusama treasury, only 1 KSM to cover the execution fees. Unused funds are returned back to the treasury.

1. Channel Init Open & Accept

Encoded call data for a batch call to

  • accept channel opening from Shiden
  • initiate channel opening with Shiden


This can be decoded on Kusama.

2. XCM from Statemine to Kusama

Encoded call data to send XCM message from Statemine to Kusama which will execute the aforementioned batch call.


This can be decoded on Statemine.

Statemine will send a request to Kusama to open & accept channel opening as described in the 1st sub-chapter. Unused funds are refunded back to the treasury account.

3. XCM from Kusama to Statemine

The preimage hash for Kusama:


Encoded call data: 0x1800080402006d6f646c70792f747273727900000000000000000000000000000000000000000070617261e8030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070010a5d4e8630001000100a10f0204060203009435779d011f000101000214000400000000070010a5d4e81300000000070010a5d4e800060003009435775c1800083c01d70700003c00d7070000e803000000900100140d010004000101006d6f646c70792f74727372790000000000000000000000000000000000000000

This can be decoded on Kusama and hash can be verified.

Kusama will send a XCM to Statemine in order to initiate the procedure described in second sub-chapter.

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