#449 Fearless Wallet - Stage 3 Proposal - Staking, Libraries expansion, App Improvements
Fearless Wallet is a native mobile app for iOS/Android which is fully supported by Kusama Treasury and developed by SORAMITSU. Fearless Wallet is the first native mobile application for Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems with corresponding libraries to support the development of native apps for Substrate networks. The mobile application is non-custodial, thus communicates directly with the blockchain without any middlewares in between.
Stage 3 (this proposal) is planned to be focused on Staking, general app improvements, and native mobile libraries expansion.
Please visit the** full version of the proposal** for more context, budget, milestones, and timeframe:
Full version of Fearless Wallet Stage 3 Proposal to Kusama & Polkadot treasuries
Note: Total cost is divided between Polkadot (link) and Kusama (this) treasuries, half for each.
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Fearless wallet is very good. Its fast and made exactly for what I need it for. The UI/UX is amazing. I don't like polkaswallet but Fearless wallet. And I would love to see staking on Fearless Wallet.
When I first used Fearless Wallet, I was very surprised by its design and simplicity of handling. For me it was an excellent work that you do there. I would love to use KSM/DOT staking with Fearless Wallet.
Easily the best UI/UX in the entire Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem!
Thanks everyone for the feedback! 🐦 We have submitted on-chain proposal: https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/74
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