#28 Proposals for increased community participation in governance
Certain community members are bringing up good points around the difficulty of productively participating in governance if someone is not a councilor - I'd like to start a thread to keep track of ideas that would alleviate this situation.
here are some seed ideas:
Add a "proposal queue" to council (like in Democracy) to give the general community broader communication lines to the council - this could involve a higher minimum deposit than democracy and will probably not be automatically promoted to a motion without a council member adopting a proposal - alternatively, a method for allowing Councilors to adopt existing democracy proposals as motions could serve the same purpose.
ensure Councilors are active and responsive to the community by punishing long-term absenteeism - the details of how to do this without skewing votes is unknown.
increase the size of council membership - this would likely require some punishment for absenteeism in conjunction as we probably don't want the council to lose it's velocity on Kusama.
reduce the period of time required to turn a proposal into a Referendum in democracy - or otherwise add a mechanism to accelerate proposals from within democracy
replace voting in democracy with a prediction market or TCR to add positive incentives (at least at the proposal stage) for participants.
I do not endorse any of the above ideas, I just want to see what discussion can be had around them.
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Nice post, Jam. I like 3 of 5 your ideas. And I think Kusama is a great place to try them.
Unfortunately, I do not understand how increasing the number of seats on the council will help, since we have already seen situations where a person, even having a large skin in the game, simply did not follow the progress of the network for weeks. I don’t feel betting (preditcion maraket) too, because if you don’t care about the development of a network without bets, then when you bid it will not matter the development of the network, but only your bets will be important.
Only my personal view of things. But will be nice to hear another opinions from participants of the network.
those are actually the same things I personally was also skeptical of but just wanted to dump the ideas - what I feel most strongly about is being able to promote things from democracy proposals to council motions, as currently that is strictly a promotion and will allow governance to behave much more frictionlessly
where is +1 button here? :)
coming soon maybe: https://github.com/paritytech/polkassembly/issues/513
The +1 button is there :)
on collective membership in council
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