#449 Governance Rewarder Proposal - Milestone 2, 3 + General
Dear Council, The first item of the RMRK2 Collection has already been sent out.
First time voters now receive a shelf and an item. Each time they vote on a Referendum an additional item gets added to their shelf which they can equip. The first item has been sent out to voters of Referendum 181. This proposal is to cover Milestone 2, 3 + General. My aim now is to make the collection economically viable on its own as to not rely on Treasury spending in the future. This is to be achieved through the creator royalties made possible in RMRK2.0.0
The full proposal
Originally I planned to do a pixel collection due to the difficulties I had finding artists. Now that I have a good working relationship with several, it became possible to create a more artsy collection. I adopted some of the ideas brought forward by Bruno in the original community post and thus the current collection was born. While it is not what I promised to build in the original proposal, I trust that the community will agree this to be a more fun and interactive collection. Since I now also incur artist fees for the rmrk2 collection, I hope that everyone sees this change as overdelivering rather than underdelivering.
It has been fun to build this project and I am thrilled to have gotten so much great feedback already. I look forward to continuously improving the collection and driving governance participation further!!!
A deep dive into the past, the present and the future of the Referendum Voting Rewards Project.
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Just wanted to say that I think is great and a very nice demonstration of what RMRK can do.
very good job.
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