#146 Kusama Wallet
Kusama Wallet is an alternative mobile wallet that will allow Kusama users to interact with the network. It includes iOS and Android version and covers four groups of functions, namely user management, token management, staking and network governance. First proposal focuses on the UX/UI design and key software engineering artifacts to support subsequent phases that will focus on the development of all four functional groups.
The proposal for the first stage and the full proposal providing overview of the complete project including description of all four stages can be found here.
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The problem was fixed, so I'm removing the content from the comment.
Really thorough set of milestones, but I'm surprised you aren't sharing the (very polished) UI mockups and branding mockups that I've seen elsewhere!
Do you intend to share those as part of the first milestone?
Pushing this to council to get some eyes and discussion :)
Exciting! really curious as of why the team did not include the treasury function on the design. it would be quite nice for example to see a tipping feature so that anyone can initiate a tip from their mobile phone/wallet - as it was discussed in other threads.
Also, this seems to be a more long-term discussion, but how do you envision to cover maintenance after the stage 4 is delivered?
I hope discussion is still open for the content of future milestones - Tipping looks like it might fit into milestone 4, but I would hope to get it in earlier - One of my core priorities is getting "report_awesome" and tipping in a user-facing UI ASAP.
it would be quite nice for example to see a tipping feature so that anyone can initiate a tip from their mobile phone/wallet - as it was discussed in other threads.
I completely agree with this. The role of more product-UI/UX focused wallets and apps should be too off-load functionality from PolkadotJS and make it very easy for newcomers to get involved with Kusama.
I would note that Soramitsu has multiple grants outstanding with W3F (Polkadot Host, Polkaswap) so to include this one would add more to their plate.
I am not currently on the Council, but FWIW I would vote for this proposal. The cost seems reasonable compared to other wallet quotes and Soramitsu has done a great job on their C++ implementation of Polkadot Host / Libp2p. Also, their Hyperledger Iohra collaboration with the Central Bank of Cambodia seems to be going well,
I like timeline of the project, portfolio looks impressive.
I believe that user friendliness now plays a big role in using the network. The availability of grants from W3F also adds credibility.
I also agree with Jam’s suggestions that it would be nice to see tips as early as possible and something ala "report_awesome".
I voted aye
The price looks high, but I hope for quality work. I will make a decision on votes about future stages depending on the completion of the first stage and assessment of the quality of work on it.
I like the proposal and am willing to vote for it.
However, I do think we (as a Council) should ask for an on-chain identity for the beneficiary with judgement from one of the Registrars for that identity for any treasury spending proposal.
Voting aye on #146 without the identity and judgement sets a bad precedent imo. Perhaps this warrants a new thread. In any case Polkascan Foundation will vote 'Aye' after those criteria have been met.
identity now verified 👀
totally agree with Polkaskan’s thoughts about the necessity of receiver identification. Another option may be to check the identity directly in the chat, but it is not clear why this should be done if we have role "registrar" for that.
Staking (Nomination) in your plans can nicely be done with what we're building as a white label solution for exactly wallets like this (demo at https://nomination.usetech.com/#). it takes sizable effort to do nomination simple and rich enough. It will be much faster and cheaper.
Hey everyone! We have finished Stage 1 for Fearless Wallet. Results can be found here: https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/148
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