#144 Treasury Proposal - Non-Custodial P2P Trading for KSM (milestone 2)
This treasury proposal is for the second milestone of the - Non-Custodial P2P Trading for KSM proposal.
Details of the proposal can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m_lBnw6zrkW980zkZhHEJ_Ny6eEUAJk9ey0GSmevleU/edit?usp=sharing
Milestone 1 has now been completed and the reference implementation can be seen here: https://github.com/LocalCoinSwap/kusama-reference-implementation/blob/master/Kusama%20reference.ipynb
Commonwealth thread: https://commonwealth.im/kusama/proposal/discussion/415-treasury-proposal-noncustodial-p2p-trading-for-ksm
Original Riot announcement: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#kusama:matrix.parity.io/$Ud1f2HzQuTDV3tsTVu1bp2ozFQHcX0qo_vAPztPJB4w
Looking forward to helping progress the ecosystem!
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This TC proposal aims to fast-track motion 468 with the following parameters:
- voting Period: 72,000 blocks
- delay: 600 blocks
The motion aims to help with the Moonriver and Khala swaps to the new leases (they are renewing) before the current lease ends: hence the TC assistance.
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