#141 Runtime v9150 on Polkadot Network
The proposal, upgrading Polkadot Runtime to v9150, is up for vote.
Release notes, runtime changes and proposal hash can be found HERE. This release contains some runtime cleanup, like kianenigma’s fix locked deposit of council voters but also the locked deposits of Nicks pallet.
Hash: 0x960d3ad3f42eb41ab2131e1561dd8cc20f87585e37d2d1b02525578204f11d4b
Please feel free to use srtool yourself to check the proposal hash. Make sure to vote at your convenience, it should be upgraded asap to prepare for the next runtime.
It is advisable to vote Nay
on Referendum 49. It looks like the runtime upgrade lacked a corresponding Polkadot companion change for #10043, as a result some people may see some errors in the logs of Kusama nodes.
For Kusama an additional runtime upgrade will likely be proposed reverting the issue. Until it is resolved we don't want to risk anything happening on mainnet, so only after we will move to a new upgrade.
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